Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Joe Bastardi leaves Accuweather

Well, after a somewhat tumultuous relationship with Accuweather,
Word is Joe Bastardi has resigned from them sometime last evening from
Found his profile gone this AM on the site.
Joe was “upgraded” to the pricey, or rather very very pricey Accuweather
“pro” site a few years ago.
Rather than having his somewhat uncanningly correct long range prognostications
Available to the millions, he was relegated to a select few subscribers.
I was lucky to be able to get the occasional tweet from his fan club.
Never the household name with his limited role, perhaps that led to
The separation.
Or perhaps AW had something else in store.
Whether we really ever find the actual events is a mystery.
I believe he will eventually form his own company, perhaps for the stock and
Futures market type crowd.
FYI, there is an ongoing conflict in the weather world. The private companies
Sort of believe disseminating weather info should be a “private” company function and
That the NWS should be relegated to gathering and presenting information such as
Radar and satellite and data observations. This will continue for the coming decades.
And with the Obama Administration trying to cut vital funding to the NWS, it is not
Hard to envision a slow evolution toward a more limited NWS role
as the next several years pass. That will be a sad, sad day.
OK, off the soapbox !!!

In any event,

Best of Luck Joe