Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saltwater Fishing Registry

Well, to help the fish and prevent we anglers from emptying the oceans, registration is now mandated with the Federal Government before we can cast that line in the Cape Canal or into Narragansett Bay, as well as any other saltwater. States are now selling the saltwater permits and/or you will need to register with the government, it depends upon which state you are in right now. Confusion still exists over which states are recognizing each other. I am sure there will be more info to come. Here is the latest from NOAA:

If you're a recreational angler, you might be interested in learning about the new National Saltwater Angler Registry, which went into effect Friday, January 1, 2010. The registry will enable NOAA to more effectively gather information from saltwater fishermen, enhancing our ability to produce the most timely and accurate information possible about the health of recreational fish stocks-- we're expecting more than 3 million anglers to register this year. To sign up, you can visit or call the toll-free registration line at 1-888-MRIP-411. In the meantime, check out this video to learn more about how it all works.

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